材料出库单到中间.sql 5.3 KB

  1. --将材料出库单传递到中间库(委外订单不受约束)
  2. if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.usp_transrdrecord11') )
  3. drop procedure dbo.usp_transrdrecord11
  4. go
  5. Create PROCEDURE usp_transrdrecord11
  6. @v_start datetime, --开始时间
  7. @v_end datetime --结束时间
  8. as
  9. select Id into #t_01 from rdrecord11 r
  10. where (dnmaketime>=@v_start and dnmaketime <= @v_end and ISNULL(cDefine5,0) = 0)
  11. or (exists (select Id from RdRecord01 where cBusType='委外加工' and ID=r.ID) )
  12. if @@ROWCOUNT=0 return
  13. --delete from wtu..rdrecord11 where exists (select id from #t_01)
  14. --delete from wtu..rdrecords11 where exists (select id from #t_01)
  15. delete from wtu..rdrecord11 where exists (select id from #t_01 where ID=wtu..rdrecord11.ID)
  16. delete from wtu..rdrecords11 where exists (select id from #t_01 where ID=wtu..rdrecords11.ID)
  17. insert into wtu..RdRecord11
  18. (ID,
  19. bRdFlag,
  20. cVouchType,
  21. cBusType,
  22. cSource,
  23. cBusCode,
  24. cWhCode,
  25. dDate,
  26. cCode,
  27. cRdCode,
  28. cDepCode,
  29. cPersonCode,
  30. cPTCode,
  31. cSTCode,
  32. cCusCode,
  33. cVenCode,
  34. cOrderCode,
  35. cARVCode,
  36. cBillCode,
  37. cDLCode,
  38. cProBatch,
  39. cHandler,
  40. cMemo,
  41. bTransFlag,
  42. cAccounter,
  43. cMaker,
  44. cDefine1,
  45. cDefine2,
  46. cDefine3,
  47. cDefine4,
  48. cDefine5,
  49. cDefine6,
  50. cDefine7,
  51. cDefine8,
  52. cDefine9,
  53. cDefine10,
  54. dKeepDate,
  55. dVeriDate,
  56. bpufirst,
  57. biafirst,
  58. iMQuantity,
  59. dARVDate,
  60. cChkCode,
  61. dChkDate,
  62. cChkPerson,
  63. VT_ID,
  64. bIsSTQc,
  65. cDefine11,
  66. cDefine12,
  67. cDefine13,
  68. cDefine14,
  69. cDefine15,
  70. cDefine16,
  71. cPsPcode,
  72. cMPoCode,
  73. gspcheck,
  74. ipurorderid,
  75. iproorderid,
  76. iExchRate,
  77. cExch_Name,
  78. bOMFirst,
  79. bFromPreYear,
  80. bIsLsQuery,
  81. bIsComplement,
  82. iDiscountTaxType,
  83. ireturncount,
  84. iverifystate,
  85. iswfcontrolled,
  86. cModifyPerson,
  87. dModifyDate,
  88. dnmaketime,
  89. dnmodifytime,
  90. dnverifytime,
  91. bredvouch,
  92. bmotran,
  93. iFlowId,
  94. cPZID,
  95. cSourceLs,
  96. cSourceCodeLs,
  97. bHYVouch,
  98. iPrintCount,
  99. csysbarcode,
  100. cCurrentAuditor,
  101. cCheckSignFlag
  102. )
  103. select
  104. r.ID,
  105. bRdFlag,
  106. cVouchType,
  107. cBusType,
  108. cSource,
  109. cBusCode,
  110. cWhCode,
  111. dDate,
  112. cCode,
  113. cRdCode,
  114. cDepCode,
  115. cPersonCode,
  116. cPTCode,
  117. cSTCode,
  118. cCusCode,
  119. cVenCode,
  120. cOrderCode,
  121. cARVCode,
  122. cBillCode,
  123. cDLCode,
  124. cProBatch,
  125. cHandler,
  126. cMemo,
  127. bTransFlag,
  128. cAccounter,
  129. cMaker,
  130. cDefine1,
  131. cDefine2,
  132. cDefine3,
  133. cDefine4,
  134. cDefine5,
  135. cDefine6,
  136. cDefine7,
  137. cDefine8,
  138. cDefine9,
  139. cDefine10,
  140. dKeepDate,
  141. dVeriDate,
  142. bpufirst,
  143. biafirst,
  144. iMQuantity,
  145. dARVDate,
  146. cChkCode,
  147. dChkDate,
  148. cChkPerson,
  149. VT_ID,
  150. bIsSTQc,
  151. cDefine11,
  152. cDefine12,
  153. cDefine13,
  154. cDefine14,
  155. cDefine15,
  156. cDefine16,
  157. cPsPcode,
  158. cMPoCode,
  159. gspcheck,
  160. ipurorderid,
  161. iproorderid,
  162. iExchRate,
  163. cExch_Name,
  164. bOMFirst,
  165. bFromPreYear,
  166. bIsLsQuery,
  167. bIsComplement,
  168. iDiscountTaxType,
  169. ireturncount,
  170. iverifystate,
  171. iswfcontrolled,
  172. cModifyPerson,
  173. dModifyDate,
  174. dnmaketime,
  175. dnmodifytime,
  176. dnverifytime,
  177. bredvouch,
  178. bmotran,
  179. iFlowId,
  180. cPZID,
  181. cSourceLs,
  182. cSourceCodeLs,
  183. bHYVouch,
  184. iPrintCount,
  185. csysbarcode,
  186. cCurrentAuditor,
  187. cCheckSignFlag
  188. from RdRecord11 r where exists(select ID from #t_01 t where t.ID=r.ID)
  189. ---------------------------------------------
  190. insert into wtu..RdRecords11
  191. (
  192. AutoID,
  193. r.ID,
  194. cInvCode,
  195. iNum,
  196. iQuantity,
  197. iUnitCost,
  198. iPrice,
  199. iAPrice,
  200. iPUnitCost,
  201. iPPrice,
  202. cBatch,
  203. cObjCode,
  204. cVouchCode,
  205. cInVouchCode,
  206. cinvouchtype,
  207. iSOutQuantity,
  208. iSOutNum,
  209. coutvouchid,
  210. coutvouchtype,
  211. iSRedOutQuantity,
  212. iSRedOutNum,
  213. cFree1,
  214. cFree2,
  215. iFlag,
  216. iSQuantity,
  217. iSNum,
  218. iFNum,
  219. iFQuantity,
  220. dVDate,
  221. iTrIds,
  222. cPosition,
  223. cDefine22,
  224. cDefine23,
  225. cDefine24,
  226. cDefine25,
  227. cDefine26,
  228. cDefine27,
  229. cItem_class,
  230. cItemCode,
  231. cName,
  232. cItemCName,
  233. cFree3,
  234. cFree4,
  235. cFree5,
  236. cFree6,
  237. cFree7,
  238. cFree8,
  239. cFree9,
  240. cFree10,
  241. cBarCode,
  242. iNQuantity,
  243. iNNum,
  244. cAssUnit,
  245. dMadeDate,
  246. iMassDate,
  247. cDefine28,
  248. cDefine29,
  249. cDefine30,
  250. cDefine31,
  251. cDefine32,
  252. cDefine33,
  253. cDefine34,
  254. cDefine35,
  255. cDefine36,
  256. cDefine37,
  257. iMPoIds,
  258. iCheckIds,
  259. cBVencode,
  260. bGsp,
  261. cGspState,
  262. cCheckCode,
  263. iCheckIdBaks,
  264. cRejectCode,
  265. iRejectIds,
  266. cCheckPersonCode,
  267. dCheckDate,
  268. cMassUnit,
  269. cMoLotCode,
  270. iMaterialFee,
  271. iProcessCost,
  272. iProcessFee,
  273. dMSDate,
  274. iSMaterialFee,
  275. iSProcessFee,
  276. iOMoDID,
  277. bFilled,
  278. bChecked,
  279. iOMoMID,
  280. cmworkcentercode,
  281. bLPUseFree,
  282. iRSRowNO,
  283. iOriTrackID,
  284. coritracktype,
  285. cbaccounter,
  286. dbKeepDate,
  287. bCosting,
  288. bVMIUsed,
  289. iVMISettleQuantity,
  290. iVMISettleNum,
  291. cvmivencode,
  292. iInvSNCount,
  293. cwhpersoncode,
  294. cwhpersonname,
  295. iMaIDs,
  296. cserviceoid,
  297. cbserviceoid,
  298. iinvexchrate
  299. )
  300. select
  301. AutoID,
  302. r.ID,
  303. cInvCode,
  304. iNum,
  305. iQuantity,
  306. iUnitCost,
  307. iPrice,
  308. iAPrice,
  309. iPUnitCost,
  310. iPPrice,
  311. cBatch,
  312. cObjCode,
  313. cVouchCode,
  314. cInVouchCode,
  315. cinvouchtype,
  316. iSOutQuantity,
  317. iSOutNum,
  318. coutvouchid,
  319. coutvouchtype,
  320. iSRedOutQuantity,
  321. iSRedOutNum,
  322. cFree1,
  323. cFree2,
  324. iFlag,
  325. iSQuantity,
  326. iSNum,
  327. iFNum,
  328. iFQuantity,
  329. dVDate,
  330. iTrIds,
  331. cPosition,
  332. cDefine22,
  333. cDefine23,
  334. cDefine24,
  335. cDefine25,
  336. cDefine26,
  337. cDefine27,
  338. cItem_class,
  339. cItemCode,
  340. cName,
  341. cItemCName,
  342. cFree3,
  343. cFree4,
  344. cFree5,
  345. cFree6,
  346. cFree7,
  347. cFree8,
  348. cFree9,
  349. cFree10,
  350. cBarCode,
  351. iNQuantity,
  352. iNNum,
  353. cAssUnit,
  354. dMadeDate,
  355. iMassDate,
  356. cDefine28,
  357. cDefine29,
  358. cDefine30,
  359. cDefine31,
  360. cDefine32,
  361. cDefine33,
  362. cDefine34,
  363. cDefine35,
  364. cDefine36,
  365. cDefine37,
  366. iMPoIds,
  367. iCheckIds,
  368. cBVencode,
  369. bGsp,
  370. cGspState,
  371. cCheckCode,
  372. iCheckIdBaks,
  373. cRejectCode,
  374. iRejectIds,
  375. cCheckPersonCode,
  376. dCheckDate,
  377. cMassUnit,
  378. cMoLotCode,
  379. iMaterialFee,
  380. iProcessCost,
  381. iProcessFee,
  382. dMSDate,
  383. iSMaterialFee,
  384. iSProcessFee,
  385. iOMoDID,
  386. bFilled,
  387. bChecked,
  388. iOMoMID,
  389. cmworkcentercode,
  390. bLPUseFree,
  391. iRSRowNO,
  392. iOriTrackID,
  393. coritracktype,
  394. cbaccounter,
  395. dbKeepDate,
  396. bCosting,
  397. bVMIUsed,
  398. iVMISettleQuantity,
  399. iVMISettleNum,
  400. cvmivencode,
  401. iInvSNCount,
  402. cwhpersoncode,
  403. cwhpersonname,
  404. iMaIDs,
  405. cserviceoid,
  406. cbserviceoid,
  407. iinvexchrate
  408. from RdRecords11 r where exists(select ID from #t_01 t where t.ID=r.ID)
  409. --释放临时表
  410. drop table #t_01