Browse Source


yaoyu 6 months ago

+ 4 - 0

@@ -11,5 +11,9 @@
         <component name="invoiceadd" accessProtected="false"  remote="true" singleton="true" tx="CMT" supportAlias="true">
         <component name="invoiceadd" accessProtected="false"  remote="true" singleton="true" tx="CMT" supportAlias="true">
+         <component name="OrderAdd" accessProtected="false"  remote="true" singleton="true" tx="CMT" supportAlias="true">
+          <implementation></implementation>
+        </component>

+ 460 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import javax.servlet.ServletException;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
+import nc.itf.pu.m21.IOrderApprove;
+import nc.itf.pu.m21.IOrderMaintain;
+import nc.log.NcLog;
+import nc.vo.ct.purdaily.entity.CtPuBVO;
+import nc.vo.pu.m21.entity.OrderHeaderVO;
+import nc.vo.pu.m21.entity.OrderItemVO;
+import nc.vo.pu.m21.entity.OrderVO;
+import nc.vo.util.CloneUtil;
+public class OrderAddImpl extends BaseServlet implements IHttpServletAdaptor {
+	@Override
+	public void doAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
+		String vbillcode = "";
+		try {
+			NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(ISecurityTokenCallback.class).token("NCSystem".getBytes(),"pfxx".getBytes());
+			String createStr = buildJson(req, resp, this.getClass().getName());
+			JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(createStr);
+			vbillcode = json.getString("vbillcode");
+			//InvocationInfoProxy.getInstance().setUserDataSource("NC6337");
+			QueryDataUtil.getBillno(vbillcode);
+			checkJson(json);
+			OrderVO orderVO = new OrderVO();
+			OrderHeaderVO orderHeaderVO = new OrderHeaderVO();
+			String userPK = QueryDataUtil.getUserPK(json.getString("billmaker"));
+			String pk_group = QueryDataUtil.getGroupPK(json.getString("pk_group"));
+			InvocationInfoProxy.getInstance().setUserId(userPK);//用户主键
+			InvocationInfoProxy.getInstance().setGroupId(pk_group);//指定集团pk
+			//制单人
+			orderHeaderVO.setBillmaker(userPK);
+			//审批人即制单人
+			orderHeaderVO.setApprover(userPK);
+			//币种
+			orderHeaderVO.setCorigcurrencyid(QueryDataUtil.getCurrtypePK(json.getString("corigcurrencyid")));
+			//订单类型
+			orderHeaderVO.setCtrantypeid(QueryDataUtil.getBilltypePK(json.getString("vtrantypecode")));
+			//订单日期
+			orderHeaderVO.setDbilldate(new UFDate(json.getString("dbilldate")));
+			//制单日期
+			orderHeaderVO.setDmakedate(new UFDate(json.getString("dmakedate")));
+			//审批日期即制单时间
+			orderHeaderVO.setTaudittime(orderHeaderVO.getDmakedate());
+			//整单扣税类别
+			orderHeaderVO.setFhtaxtypeflag(Integer.parseInt(json.getString("fhtaxtypeflag")));
+			//总数量
+			orderHeaderVO.setNtotalastnum(new UFDouble(json.getString("ntotalastnum")));
+			//价税合计
+			orderHeaderVO.setNtotalorigmny(new UFDouble(json.getString("ntotalorigmny")));
+			//业务流程
+			orderHeaderVO.setPk_busitype(QueryDataUtil.getBusitypePK(json.getString("pk_busitype")));
+			//采购员-计划员
+			orderHeaderVO.setCemployeeid(QueryDataUtil.getPsndocPK(json.getString("cemployeeid")));
+			//采购部门最新版本-计划部门
+			orderHeaderVO.setPk_dept(QueryDataUtil.getDeptVPK(json.getString("pk_dept")));
+			//采购部门-计划部门
+			orderHeaderVO.setPk_dept_v(orderHeaderVO.getPk_dept());
+			//集团
+			orderHeaderVO.setPk_group(pk_group);
+			//开票供应商
+			orderHeaderVO.setPk_invcsupllier(QueryDataUtil.getSupplierPK(json.getString("pk_invcsupllier")));
+			//供应商
+			orderHeaderVO.setPk_supplier(orderHeaderVO.getPk_invcsupllier());
+			//开户银行
+			orderHeaderVO.setPk_bankdoc(QueryDataUtil.getBankaccsubPK(json.getString("payaccount"),orderHeaderVO.getPk_invcsupllier()));
+			PurchaseOrgVO purchaseOrgVO = QueryDataUtil.getFinanceOrgVO(json.getString("pk_org"));
+			//采购组织版本
+			orderHeaderVO.setPk_org(purchaseOrgVO.getPk_purchaseorg());
+			//采购组织
+			orderHeaderVO.setPk_org_v(purchaseOrgVO.getPk_vid());
+			//订单号
+			orderHeaderVO.setVbillcode(vbillcode);
+			//备注
+			orderHeaderVO.setVmemo(json.getString("vmemo"));
+			//订单类型
+			orderHeaderVO.setVtrantypecode(json.getString("vtrantypecode"));
+			//是否需要投标
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef2(QueryDataUtil.getDefdocPK(json.getString("vdef2"), "11", "是否需要投标"));
+			//有无框架协议
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef3(QueryDataUtil.getDefdocPK(json.getString("vdef3"), "12", "有无框架协议"));
+			//预算名称
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef5(QueryDataUtil.getInoutbusiclassPK(json.getString("vdef5")));
+			//预算编码
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef9(json.getString("vdef5"));
+			//付款计划简述
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef6(json.getString("vdef6"));
+			//预算所在部门
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef7(QueryDataUtil.getDeptPK(json.getString("vdef7")));
+			//供应商开户行
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef8(QueryDataUtil.getBankdocName(json.getString("payaccount"),orderHeaderVO.getPk_invcsupllier()));
+			//是否有附件
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef10(QueryDataUtil.getDefdocPK(json.getString("vdef10"), "18", "是否有附件"));
+			//收货人
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef15(QueryDataUtil.getPsndocPK(json.getString("vdef15")));
+			//收货人联系电话
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef16(json.getString("vdef16"));
+			//收货地址
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef17(QueryDataUtil.getDefdocPK(json.getString("vdef17"), "shdz", "收货地址"));
+			//采购员
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef18(QueryDataUtil.getPsndocPK(json.getString("vdef18")));
+			//采购部门
+			orderHeaderVO.setVdef19(QueryDataUtil.getDeptPK(json.getString("vdef19")));
+			orderHeaderVO.setStatus(2);
+			orderHeaderVO.setForderstatus(3);
+			orderVO.setParent(orderHeaderVO);
+			JSONArray josns = json.getJSONArray("childrenVO");
+			List<OrderItemVO> listOrderItemVO = new ArrayList<OrderItemVO>();
+			for (int i = 0; i < josns.size(); i++) {
+				JSONObject item = josns.getJSONObject(i);
+				OrderItemVO orderItemVO = new OrderItemVO();
+				//行号
+				orderItemVO.setCrowno(item.getString("crowno"));
+				String vcontractcode = item.getString("vcontractcode");
+				Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
+				if(!"".equals(vcontractcode)) {
+					map = QueryDataUtil.getDataMap("Z2", vcontractcode, item.getString("vcontractcrowno"));
+					//合同号
+					orderItemVO.setVcontractcode(vcontractcode);
+					//合同主键
+					orderItemVO.setCcontractid(map.get("pk_id"));
+					//合同表体主键
+					orderItemVO.setCcontractrowid(map.get("pk_id_b"));
+				}
+				//本币币种
+				orderItemVO.setCcurrencyid(QueryDataUtil.getCurrtypePK(item.getString("ccurrencyid")));
+				//币种
+				orderItemVO.setCorigcurrencyid(orderItemVO.getCcurrencyid());
+				String vfirstcode = item.getString("vfirstcode");
+				if(!"".equals(vfirstcode)) {
+					String cfirsttypecode = item.getString("cfirsttypecode");
+					String vfirstrowno = item.getString("vfirstrowno");
+					map = QueryDataUtil.getDataMap(cfirsttypecode, vfirstcode, vfirstrowno);
+					//源头单据号
+					orderItemVO.setVfirstcode(vfirstcode);
+					//源头单据
+					orderItemVO.setCfirstid(map.get("pk_id"));
+					//源头单据明细
+					orderItemVO.setCfirstbid(map.get("pk_id_b"));
+					//源头单据行号
+					orderItemVO.setVfirstrowno(vfirstrowno);
+					//源头交易类型
+					orderItemVO.setVfirsttrantype(QueryDataUtil.getBilltypePK(item.getString("vfirsttrantype")));
+					//源头单据类型
+					orderItemVO.setCfirsttypecode(QueryDataUtil.getBilltypePK(cfirsttypecode));
+				}
+				String vsourcecode = item.getString("vsourcecode");
+				if(!"".equals(vsourcecode)) {
+					String vsourcerowno = item.getString("vsourcerowno");
+					String csourcetypecode = item.getString("csourcetypecode");
+					map = QueryDataUtil.getDataMap(csourcetypecode, vsourcecode, vsourcerowno);
+					//来源单据号 
+					orderItemVO.setVsourcecode(vsourcecode);
+					//来源单据行号
+					orderItemVO.setVsourcerowno(vsourcerowno);
+					//来源交易类型
+					orderItemVO.setVsourcetrantype(QueryDataUtil.getBilltypePK(item.getString("vsourcetrantype")));
+					//来源单据
+					orderItemVO.setCsourceid(map.get("pk_id"));
+					//来源单据明细
+					orderItemVO.setCsourcebid(map.get("pk_id_b"));
+					//来源单据类型
+					orderItemVO.setCsourcetypecode(QueryDataUtil.getBilltypePK(csourcetypecode));
+				}
+				//税码
+				orderItemVO.setCtaxcodeid(QueryDataUtil.getTaxcodePK(item.getString("ctaxcodeid")));
+				//税率
+				orderItemVO.setNtaxrate(new UFDouble(item.getString("ntaxrate")));
+				//主单位
+				orderItemVO.setCunitid(QueryDataUtil.getMeasdocPK(item.getString("cunitid")));
+				//单位
+				orderItemVO.setCastunitid(orderItemVO.getCunitid());
+				//报价单位
+				orderItemVO.setCqtunitid(orderItemVO.getCunitid());
+				//订单日期
+				orderItemVO.setDbilldate(orderHeaderVO.getDbilldate());
+				//计划到货日期
+				orderItemVO.setDplanarrvdate(orderHeaderVO.getDbilldate());
+				//购销类型
+				orderItemVO.setFbuysellflag(Integer.parseInt(item.getString("fbuysellflag")));
+				//扣税类别
+				orderItemVO.setFtaxtypeflag(orderHeaderVO.getFhtaxtypeflag());
+				//计税金额
+				orderItemVO.setNcaltaxmny(new UFDouble(item.getString("ncaltaxmny")));
+				//计成本金额
+				orderItemVO.setNcalcostmny(orderItemVO.getNcaltaxmny());
+				//折本汇率
+				orderItemVO.setNexchangerate(new UFDouble(1));
+				//折扣
+				orderItemVO.setNitemdiscountrate(new UFDouble(100));
+				//主数量
+				orderItemVO.setNnum(new UFDouble(item.getString("nnum")));
+				//数量
+				orderItemVO.setNastnum(orderItemVO.getNnum());
+				//报价数量
+				orderItemVO.setNqtunitnum(orderItemVO.getNnum());
+				//无税单价
+				orderItemVO.setNqtorigprice(new UFDouble(item.getString("nqtorigprice")));
+				//无税净价 
+				orderItemVO.setNqtorignetprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigprice());
+				//主无税单价
+				orderItemVO.setNorigprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigprice());
+				//主无税净价
+				orderItemVO.setNorignetprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigprice());
+				//本币无税单价
+				orderItemVO.setNqtprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigprice());
+				//本币无税净价
+				orderItemVO.setNqtnetprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigprice());
+				//主本币无税单价
+				orderItemVO.setNprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigprice());
+				//主本币无税净价
+				orderItemVO.setNnetprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigprice());
+				//含税单价 
+				orderItemVO.setNqtorigtaxprice(new UFDouble(item.getString("nqtorigtaxprice")));
+				//含税净价
+				orderItemVO.setNqtorigtaxnetprc(orderItemVO.getNqtorigtaxprice());
+				//主含税单价
+				orderItemVO.setNorigtaxprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigtaxprice());
+				//主含税净价
+				orderItemVO.setNorigtaxnetprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigtaxprice());
+				//本币含税单价 
+				orderItemVO.setNqttaxprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigtaxprice());
+				//本币含税净价
+				orderItemVO.setNqttaxnetprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigtaxprice());
+				//主本币含税单价
+				orderItemVO.setNtaxprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigtaxprice());
+				//主本币含税净价
+				orderItemVO.setNtaxnetprice(orderItemVO.getNqtorigtaxprice());
+				//税额
+				orderItemVO.setNtax(new UFDouble(item.getString("ntax")));
+				//无税金额
+				orderItemVO.setNorigmny(new UFDouble(item.getString("norigmny")));
+				//本币无税金额
+				orderItemVO.setNmny(orderItemVO.getNorigmny());
+				//价税合计
+				orderItemVO.setNorigtaxmny(new UFDouble(item.getString("norigtaxmny")));
+				//本币价税合计
+				orderItemVO.setNtaxmny(orderItemVO.getNorigtaxmny());
+				//应付组织最新版本 
+				orderItemVO.setPk_apfinanceorg(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org());
+				//应付组织
+				orderItemVO.setPk_apfinanceorg_v(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org_v());
+				//结算利润中心最新版本 
+				orderItemVO.setPk_apliabcenter(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org());
+				//结算利润中心
+				orderItemVO.setPk_apliabcenter_v(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org_v());
+				//收货库存组织最新版本
+				orderItemVO.setPk_arrvstoorg(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org());
+				//收货库存组织
+				orderItemVO.setPk_arrvstoorg_v(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org_v());
+				//采购组织版本信息
+				orderItemVO.setPk_org(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org());
+				//采购组织
+				orderItemVO.setPk_org_v(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org_v());
+				//结算财务组织最新版本
+				orderItemVO.setPk_psfinanceorg(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org());
+				//结算财务组织
+				orderItemVO.setPk_psfinanceorg_v(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org_v());
+				//需求公司 
+				orderItemVO.setPk_reqcorp(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org());
+				//需求库存组织最新版本
+				orderItemVO.setPk_reqstoorg(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org());
+				//需求库存组织
+				orderItemVO.setPk_reqstoorg_v(orderHeaderVO.getPk_org_v());
+				//需求部门最新版本
+				orderItemVO.setPk_reqdept(QueryDataUtil.getDeptPK(item.getString("pk_reqdept")));
+				//需求部门
+				orderItemVO.setPk_reqdept_v(QueryDataUtil.getDeptVPK(item.getString("pk_reqdept")));
+				//所属集团
+				orderItemVO.setPk_group(orderHeaderVO.getPk_group());
+				MaterialVO materialVO = QueryDataUtil.getMaterialPK(item.getString("pk_material"));
+				//物料版本信息
+				orderItemVO.setPk_material(materialVO.getPk_material());
+				//物料信息
+				orderItemVO.setPk_srcmaterial(materialVO.getPk_source());
+				//供应商
+				orderItemVO.setPk_supplier(orderHeaderVO.getPk_supplier());
+				//备注
+				orderItemVO.setVbmemo(item.getString("vbmemo"));
+				//换算率
+				orderItemVO.setVchangerate(item.getString("vchangerate"));
+				//报价换算率
+				orderItemVO.setVqtunitrate(orderItemVO.getVchangerate());
+				//发货国家/地区
+				orderItemVO.setCsendcountryid(QueryDataUtil.getCountryzonePK("CN"));
+				//收货国家/地区
+				orderItemVO.setCrececountryid(orderItemVO.getCsendcountryid());
+				//报税国家/地区
+				orderItemVO.setCtaxcountryid(orderItemVO.getCsendcountryid());
+				//领用单号
+				orderItemVO.setVbdef4(item.getString("vbdef4"));
+				//采购含税预估单价
+				orderItemVO.setVbdef5(item.getString("vbdef5"));
+				//员工承担金额
+				orderItemVO.setVbdef7(item.getString("vbdef7"));
+				//使用人
+				orderItemVO.setVbdef13(QueryDataUtil.getPsndocPK(item.getString("vbdef13")));
+				orderItemVO.setStatus(2);
+				listOrderItemVO.add(orderItemVO);
+			}
+			orderVO.setChildrenVO(listOrderItemVO.toArray(new OrderItemVO[listOrderItemVO.size()]));
+			//设置线程时间
+			SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+			Object dateTimeString  = orderHeaderVO.getDbilldate();
+			if(dateTimeString != null) {
+			    Date date = format.parse(dateTimeString.toString());
+			    long timestamp = date.getTime();
+			    InvocationInfoProxy.getInstance().setBizDateTime(timestamp);
+			 }
+			IPFBusiAction ipf = NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IPFBusiAction.class);
+			OrderVO[] orderVOs = (OrderVO[]) ipf.processAction("SAVEBASE", "21", null, orderVO, null, null);
+//			HashMap hmPfExParams = new HashMap();
+//			WorkflownoteVO workflownoteVO = NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IWorkflowMachine.class).checkWorkFlow("SAVE", "21", orderVOs[0], hmPfExParams);
+//			if(workflownoteVO == null) { 
+//				//没有审批流
+//				ipf.processAction("APPROVE", "21", workflownoteVO, orderVOs[0], null, null);
+//			}else {
+//				ipf.processAction("SAVE", "21", workflownoteVO, orderVOs[0], null, null);
+//			}
+			resp.getWriter().write(formatRSJsonData("成功", "", vbillcode).toString());
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			resp.getWriter().write(formatRSJsonData("失败",e.getMessage() == null ? "" : e.getMessage(),vbillcode).toString());
+			StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
+			e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringWriter));
+			//获取详细信息
+			String msg=stringWriter.getBuffer().toString();
+		}
+	}
+	private void checkJson(JSONObject json) throws Exception {
+		StringBuffer mags = new StringBuffer();
+		Boolean empty = true;
+		String pk_group = "pk_group";
+		String pk_org = "pk_org";
+		String vbillcode = "vbillcode";
+		String billmaker  = "billmaker";
+		String cemployeeid = "cemployeeid";
+		String corigcurrencyid = "corigcurrencyid";
+		String dbilldate = "dbilldate";
+		String dmakedate = "dmakedate";
+		String fhtaxtypeflag = "fhtaxtypeflag";
+		String ntotalastnum = "ntotalastnum";
+		String ntotalorigmny = "ntotalorigmny";
+		String pk_busitype = "pk_busitype";
+		String pk_invcsupllier = "pk_invcsupllier";
+		String vtrantypecode = "vtrantypecode";
+		String vdef5 = "vdef5";
+		String vdef7 = "vdef7";
+		String vdef18 = "vdef18";
+		String vdef19 = "vdef19";
+		String body = "childrenVO";//表体
+		String[] HeadKey = {pk_group,pk_org,vbillcode,billmaker,cemployeeid,corigcurrencyid,dbilldate,dmakedate,dmakedate,
+				fhtaxtypeflag,ntotalastnum,ntotalorigmny,pk_busitype,pk_invcsupllier,vtrantypecode,vdef5,vdef7,vdef18,vdef19};
+		for (String as : HeadKey) {
+			if (json.getString(as).isEmpty()) {
+				empty = false;
+				mags.append("'" + as + "'");
+			}
+		}
+		if (json.getJSONArray(body)==null) {
+			empty = false;
+			mags.append("表体不存在! ");
+		}
+		JSONArray childrenVO = json.getJSONArray("childrenVO");
+		if (childrenVO == null || childrenVO.size() == 0) {
+			throw new Exception("表体内容不可为空!");
+		}
+		String rowno = "crowno";
+		String ccurrencyid = "ccurrencyid";
+		String ctaxcodeid = "ctaxcodeid";
+		String ntaxrate = "ntaxrate";
+		String cunitid = "cunitid";
+		String fbuysellflag = "fbuysellflag";
+		String ncaltaxmny = "ncaltaxmny";
+		String nnum = "nnum";
+		String nqtorigprice = "nqtorigprice";
+		String nqtorigtaxprice = "nqtorigtaxprice";
+		String ntax = "ntax";
+		String norigmny = "norigmny";
+		String norigtaxmny = "norigtaxmny";
+		String pk_material = "pk_material";
+		String vchangerate = "vchangerate";
+		String vbdef7 = "vbdef7";
+		for(int i = 0; i < childrenVO.size(); i++) {
+			JSONObject oprepJsonObjectB = childrenVO.getJSONObject(i);
+			String[] BodyKey = {rowno,ccurrencyid,ctaxcodeid,ntaxrate,cunitid,fbuysellflag,ncaltaxmny,nnum,nqtorigprice,
+					nqtorigtaxprice,ntax,norigmny,norigtaxmny,pk_material,vchangerate,vbdef7};
+			int num = i+1;
+			mags.append("第"+num+"块表体:{");
+			for (String as : BodyKey) {
+				if (oprepJsonObjectB.getString(as).isEmpty()) {
+					empty = false;
+					mags.append("'" + as + "' ");
+				}
+			}
+			mags.append("}");
+		}
+		if (!empty) {
+			throw new Exception("以下字段不可为空:"+mags);
+		}
+	}

+ 331 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import nc.itf.uap.IUAPQueryBS;
+import nc.jdbc.framework.processor.BeanProcessor;
+import nc.jdbc.framework.processor.ColumnProcessor;
+import nc.jdbc.framework.processor.MapProcessor;
+import nc.vo.ct.purdaily.entity.CtPuBVO;
+import nc.vo.pu.m25.entity.InvoiceItemVO;
+public class QueryDataUtil {
+	private static IUAPQueryBS iuap = (IUAPQueryBS) NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IUAPQueryBS.class.getName());
+	public static void getBillno(String billno)throws Exception {
+		String sql = "select pk_order from po_order where vbillcode = '"+billno+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_order = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_order != null) {
+			throw new Exception("采购订单单据号已存在!");
+		}
+	}
+	// 用户 
+	public static String getUserPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select cuserid from sm_user where  cuserid = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String cuserid = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (cuserid == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取用户信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return cuserid;
+	}
+	// 部门 
+	public static String getDeptPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select pk_dept from org_dept where  code = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_dept = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_dept == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取部门信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_dept;
+	}
+	// 部门版本
+	public static String getDeptVPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select pk_vid from org_dept_v where  code = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_vid = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_vid == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取部门信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_vid;
+	}	
+	// 人员
+	public static String getPsndocPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select pk_psndoc from sm_user where  cuserid = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_psndoc = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_psndoc == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取人员信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_psndoc;
+	}
+	// 业务流程
+	public static String getBusitypePK(String code) throws Exception {
+		String sql = "select pk_busitype from bd_busitype where  busicode = '"+code+"' and validity = '1' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_busitype = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_busitype == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取业务流程信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_busitype;
+	}
+	// 币种
+	public static String getCurrtypePK(String code) throws Exception {
+		String sql = "select pk_currtype from bd_currtype where  code = '"+code+"'and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_currtype = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_currtype == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取币种信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_currtype;
+	}
+	//组织_业务单元_采购组织
+	public static PurchaseOrgVO getFinanceOrgVO(String code) throws Exception {
+		String sql = "select * from org_purchaseorg where  code = '"+code+"'and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		PurchaseOrgVO purchaseOrgVO = (PurchaseOrgVO) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new BeanProcessor(PurchaseOrgVO.class));
+		if (purchaseOrgVO == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取组织_业务单元_采购组织信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return purchaseOrgVO;
+	}
+	//组织_集团
+	public static String getGroupPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		String sql = "select pk_group from org_group where  code = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_group = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_group == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取组织_集团信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_group;
+	}
+	//单据类型
+	public static String getBilltypePK(String code) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select pk_billtypeid from bd_billtype where  pk_billtypecode = '"+code+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_billtypeid = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_billtypeid == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取单据类型信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_billtypeid;
+	}
+	//国家地区
+	public static String getCountryzonePK(String code) throws Exception {
+		String sql = "select pk_country from bd_countryzone where  code  = '"+code+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_country = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_country == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取国家地区信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_country;
+	}
+	//物料
+	public static MaterialVO getMaterialPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select * from bd_material where  code  = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		MaterialVO materialVO = (MaterialVO) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new BeanProcessor(MaterialVO.class));
+		if (materialVO == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取物料信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return materialVO;
+	}
+	//收支项目
+	public static String getInoutbusiclassPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select pk_inoutbusiclass from bd_inoutbusiclass where  code  = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_inoutbusiclass = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_inoutbusiclass == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取收支项目信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_inoutbusiclass;
+	}
+	//自定义档案
+	public static String getDefdocPK(String code,String defdoclistcode,String name) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select pk_defdoc from bd_defdoc where pk_defdoclist = (select pk_defdoclist from bd_defdoclist where code = '"+defdoclistcode+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0) and code  = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_defdoc = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_defdoc == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取"+name+"信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_defdoc;
+	}
+	//供应商
+	public static String getSupplierPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select pk_supplier from bd_supplier where  code  = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_supplier = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_supplier == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取供应商信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_supplier;
+	}
+	//银行账户
+	public static String getBankaccsubPK(String accnum,String pk_supplier) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(accnum) || "".equals(pk_supplier)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select pk_bankaccsub  from bd_bankaccsub where accnum = '"+accnum+"' and pk_bankaccbas in(select pk_bankaccbas from bd_custbank where pk_cust = '"+pk_supplier+"') and fronzenstate  = '0'";
+		String pk_bankaccsub = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_bankaccsub == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取银行账户信息失败,未找到与参数" + accnum + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_bankaccsub;
+	}
+	//银行账户开户行
+	public static String getBankdocName(String accnum,String pk_supplier) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(accnum) || "".equals(pk_supplier)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select name from bd_bankdoc where pk_bankdoc = (select pk_bankdoc  from bd_bankaccbas where accnum = '"+accnum+"' and pk_bankaccbas in(select pk_bankaccbas from bd_custbank where pk_cust = '"+pk_supplier+"') and accstate  = 0) and enablestate = 2";
+		String pk_bankaccsub = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_bankaccsub == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取银行账户信息失败,未找到与参数" + accnum + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_bankaccsub;
+	}	
+	//结算方式
+	public static String getBalatypePK(String code) throws Exception {
+		String sql = "select pk_balatype from bd_balatype where  code  = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_balatype = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_balatype == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取结算方式信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_balatype;
+	}
+	//增值税税码税率
+	public static String getTaxcodePK(String code) throws Exception {
+		String sql = "select pk_taxcode from bd_taxcode where  code  = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_taxcode = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_taxcode == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取税码信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_taxcode;
+	}
+	//客户
+	public static String getCustomerPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select pk_customer from bd_customer where  code  = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_customer = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_customer == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取客户信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_customer;
+	}	
+	//项目
+	public static String getprojectPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(code)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select pk_project from bd_project where  project_code  = '"+code+"' and enablestate = '2' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		String pk_project = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_project == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取项目信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_project;
+	}
+	//单位
+	public static String getMeasdocPK(String code) throws Exception {
+		String sql = "select pk_measdoc from bd_measdoc where code = '"+code+"'";
+		String pk_measdoc = (String) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new ColumnProcessor());
+		if (pk_measdoc == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取计量单位信息失败,未找到与参数" + code + "有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return pk_measdoc;
+	}
+	//采购合同子表数据
+	public static CtPuBVO getContract(String vbillcode,String crowno)throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(vbillcode)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		String sql = "select * from ct_pu_b where pk_ct_pu = (select pk_ct_pu from ct_pu where vbillcode = '"+vbillcode+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0) and crowno = '"+crowno+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+		CtPuBVO ctPuBVO = (CtPuBVO) iuap.executeQuery(sql, new BeanProcessor(CtPuBVO.class));
+		if (ctPuBVO == null) {
+			throw new Exception("获取采购合同信息失败,未找到与参数" + vbillcode + ","+crowno+"有关的数据!");
+		}
+		return ctPuBVO;
+	}
+	//查询源头和来源数据
+	public static Map<String,String> getDataMap(String type,String vbillcode,String crowno)throws Exception {
+		if("".equals(vbillcode)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
+		String sql = "";
+		if("20".equals(type)) {
+			sql = "select pk_praybill as pk_id,pk_praybill_b as pk_id_b from po_praybill_b where pk_praybill = (select pk_praybill from po_praybill where vbillcode = '"+vbillcode+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0) and crowno = '"+crowno+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+			map = (Map<String, String>) iuap.executeQuery(sql.toString(), new MapProcessor());
+			if(map == null) {
+				throw new Exception("获取请购单信息失败,未找到与参数" + vbillcode + ","+crowno+"有关的数据!");
+			}
+		}else if("Z2".equals(type)) {
+			sql = "select pk_ct_pu as pk_id,pk_ct_pu_b as pk_id_b from ct_pu_b where pk_ct_pu = (select pk_ct_pu from ct_pu where vbillcode = '"+vbillcode+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0) and crowno = '"+crowno+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+			map = (Map<String, String>) iuap.executeQuery(sql.toString(), new MapProcessor());
+			if(map == null) {
+				throw new Exception("获取采购合同信息失败,未找到与参数" + vbillcode + ","+crowno+"有关的数据!");
+			}
+		}else if("21".equals(type)) {
+			sql = "select pk_order as pk_id,pk_order_b as pk_id_b from po_order_b where pk_order = (select pk_order  from po_order where vbillcode = '"+vbillcode+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0) and crowno = '"+crowno+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+			map = (Map<String, String>) iuap.executeQuery(sql.toString(), new MapProcessor());
+			if(map == null) {
+				throw new Exception("获取采购订单信息失败,未找到与参数" + vbillcode + ","+crowno+"有关的数据!");
+			}
+		}else if("45".equals(type)) {
+			sql = "select cgeneralhid as pk_id,cgeneralbid as pk_id_b from ic_purchasein_b where cgeneralhid = (select cgeneralhid from vbillcode = '"+vbillcode+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0) and crowno = '"+crowno+"' and nvl(dr,0) = 0";
+			map = (Map<String, String>) iuap.executeQuery(sql.toString(), new MapProcessor());
+			if(map == null) {
+				throw new Exception("获取采购入库单信息失败,未找到与参数" + vbillcode + ","+crowno+"有关的数据!");
+			}
+		}
+		return map;
+	}